While brainstorming ways to add some type of expanded dining area to our home, I starting thinking about a banquette. It makes sense for a lot of reasons: It saves space, the cabinets in the bench add storage, and it goes with the era of our house. I don't want the entire thing built in--just a bench on one side, with a table and freestanding chairs on the other sides.

I became even more interested in the idea when I found numerous websites showing how people used IKEA cabinets to create banquette benches. This is one of my favorites (not the way they're using the round table and two chairs, but the bench itself). Genius!
The entire project can be found here: http://aubreyandlindsay.blogspot.com/2009/11/making-seating-bench-in-kitchen.html
Looks mad-cute! Just gotta make sure the cushions are all removable/washable! Ooo - and you could have different colors for different seasons... say while red is in the wash you could use green or blue or whatever! : )